Hollywood Boulevard Streetscape Project Underway

May 11, 2023
Construction began this week on the $14.5M streetscape improvement project for Hollywood Boulevard in downtown. The redesign of the Boulevard from 21st Avenue to Young Circle will enhance the corridor aesthetics, improve the pedestrian experience and promote redevelopment in throughout downtown. Businesses will remain open, and the sidewalks will be maintained during the construction period. Construction is scheduled to be completed by summer 2024. Each phase of the project is anticipated to last for approximately 3 months, detours will be in-place to route motorists around the construction zones.
Improvements will include maintaining the existing center medium with its extensive tree canopy and diagonal parking spaces. The project will convert the diagonal parking on the north and south curbs fronting the buildings to parallel parking. The additional area gained will be dedicated to widening the sidewalk to increase the outdoor café zones. The new, wider sidewalks will be finished using decorative concrete shell pavers in multiple shades of gray in a striking geometric design.
The cross-section of the streetscape will be modified to implement a curbless transition between the sidewalk and parallel parking to create a plaza-like space. During events such as parades or weekend festivals, where vehicle access is curtailed, pedestrians will be able to safely walk the new plaza-like configuration of the Boulevard without the need to step up or down a curb, creating a safer and more pleasant pedestrian experience.
New landscape material was selected to provide adequate shade for pedestrians on the sidewalks while improving visibility to the active storefronts of the historic district. New energy-efficiency historically inspired vintage lighting has been selected to complement the new streetscape and historic quality of the district.
In addition, the project includes the replacement of the water line on the north side of Hollywood Boulevard with a new water main; this work has been closely coordinated with the City of Hollywood’s Public Utilities Department.
For further information, please call or visit the project’s website at: www.hollywoodboulevardstreetscapesproject.com or contact Hollywood CRA Project Manager Francisco Diaz Mendez at: 954-924-2980. Or: FDiaz-Mendez@hollywoodfl.org.
Get Prepared
Now is the time to get ready, get some valuable information at the Hurricane Preparedness Meeting with Guest Speaker Erik Salna, Associate Director for Education and Outreach at the International Hurricane Research Center at Florida International University. The event will take place, May 16th from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Orangebrook Golf and Country Club at 400 Entrada Drive.
City staff and guest speaker Erik Salna will discuss the upcoming Atlantic hurricane season, including the forecast, City operations and important safety information.