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The New Year For Trees

By Rabbi Moishe Kievman - Chabad Chayil

Feb 18, 2025

When’s the last time you wished a tree Happy New Year? Coming up this year on Thursday, February 13th, is a great opportunity to do exactly that. The day is known as Tu B’Shevat, and Jewish people throughout the world celebrate it as the New Year of Trees.

Well, it’s the trees that will celebrate, but we’ll celebrate together with them! After all, the Torah says, “Man is a tree of the field.” We are nurtured by deep roots, as far back as Abraham and Sarah; we reach upwards to the heavens while standing firmly on the ground; and when we do all this right, we produce delicious fruit that benefits the world—namely, our good deeds.

Since Tu B'Shevat is known as the "New Year for Trees," this would naturally be a time for trees to engage in soul-searching — the same way people do on Rosh Hashanah. Here is a tree's New Year Checklist by Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe which we have posted on:

• Did I shelter the seedlings that live in my shade — so they will grow up to be a next generation like myself?

• Did I grow towards the sun as a tree should, reaching up higher and higher towards that which I can never grasp, but which nurtures me all the same the more I strive towards it?

• Did I make sure my roots remain firmly planted in the soil that nurtures them, and did I drop my leaves there in the fall to give back life to that which sustains me?

• Did I ensure that my fruits were sweet and nourished all that came to enjoy them? Did everyone walk away from me with a smile?

• Did I bend gently in the wind, accepting what G‑d sends but never breaking or giving up hope?

• Did I grow in strength and wisdom with each new ring this year?

Come to think of it, it’s not a bad checklist for us humans either!

Traditionally, we make sure to eat fruit on this day. After all, that's what the fruits were created for. And like us, they are happy and feel fulfilled when they serve their purpose. We try to include some of those fruits for which Israel is famous, like olives, dates, grapes, figs and pomegranates. But regardless of which fruit we eat, as with any food, we always precede it with a blessing, thanking G-d for sharing with us his delicious creations.

The blessing for fruit in Hebrew is Baruch atah A-donay, Elo-heinu Melech Ha’Olam borei pri ha-aitz. If it’s a fruit that we haven’t yet enjoyed this season we make an additional blessing of Ba-ruch A-tah A-do-noi E-loi-hei-nu Me-lech ha-o-lam she-he-chee-ya-nu v'ki-yi-ma-nu vi-hi-gi-ya-nu liz-man ha-zeh.

This year we will host a special workshop on growing MicroGreens and Sprouts at home. It will take place on Wednesday, February 12th, 7:00 p.m. at Chabad Chayil in the Highland Lakes section of Miami-Dade North.

You can learn more about this holiday at:

We wish all of our neighbors and friends a Happy Tu B’Shvat! May all our trees grow forth beautifully, giving off delicious fruit!

About the Author:

Rabbi Kievman together with his wife are the ambassadors of The Rebbe to Highland Lakes, FL. They are the founders of Gan Chabad Preschool, your local CTeen & CKids chapters, CHAP - an afterschool program for Jewish children in Public Schools and direct Chabad Chayil. He’s the Rabbi at The Family Shul and can be reached at: (305) 770-1919. Or:

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